Bal Shikshan
The Bal Shikshan Program focuses on holistic development of the children in 1st and 2nd standard. Different tools such as letter flash cards, posters, Chaudakhadi and Varnamala charts, printed paragraphs, and stories and worksheets, etc. are provided
Holistic Development Program Objective: Improve physical, socio-emotional and cognitivedevelopment of children |
Numeracy Program Objective: Number recognition upto100. Simple 2-digit, oraland written addition and subtraction |
Literacy Program Objective: Read and write simpleparagraphs in Marathi with comprehension |
Get in touch to know more.
Setu Shikshan
Setu Shikshan is a focused program for the students in 3rd to 5th grade. The program strives to improve foundational literacy and numeracy, as well as basics of English.
Language (Marathi) Program Objective: Read 8-10 lines of a story in Marathi with comprehension.Correctly write 5-10 lines of paragraph with dictation |
Mathematics Recognition and place valueof numbers upto 1000. Numerical and word problemsof all math operations |
English Program Objective: Read simple sentences thatare a combination of words using vowels, consonants and vowel blends |
Kishor Shikshan
Kishor Shikshan is for 6 to 8 grade children. The program deals with higher level competencies on Literacy and Numeracy, English with Project Based Learning
and Experiential Science.
Language (Marathi) Program Objective: Read and write 10-15 lines of a story in Marathi, write summary of given paragraph, write an original paragraph on a given topic |
Mathematics Recognize numbers upto 1,00,000, do all basic operations correctly, do Fraction identification, categorization and operations, identify 2D shapes and properties, area and perimeter of shapes |
English Program Objective: Read and write 4-5 word sentences, to form simple sentences, to have simple conversation with confidence |
Science Program Objective: Increase scientific vocabulary, enhance scientific observation andreasoning skill, handle scientific tools properly, draw scientific conclusions, see application of science in daily life |
Write us to arrange a demo.